Programming Language Racket


Racket is a general-purpose programming language that is a descendant of Scheme, itself a derivative of Lisp. Initially designed as a platform for language creation, Racket provides a rich set of tools for developers to define new programming languages and to rapidly prototype new ideas. It emphasizes functional programming paradigms, and its powerful macro system allows for significant flexibility in the development of domain-specific languages. Racket is particularly well-suited for educational purposes, research, and any application requiring custom language features or behavior.

Historical Aspects

Creation and Early Development

Racket (originally called PLT Scheme) was created by a group of researchers at Northeastern University in the mid-1990s, led by Matthew Flatt. It was designed as an educational tool to help students learn programming and language design concepts through the Scheme dialect of Lisp. The early versions of Racket focused primarily on providing a robust environment for teaching and learning programming languages.

Growth and Community Engagement

In the following years, Racket evolved beyond its educational roots, becoming a general-purpose programming language with a distinct identity. The PLT team rebranded it as Racket in 2010, emphasizing the language's versatility and its capacity for supporting different paradigms, including functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming. The Racket community grew, with contributions from educators, researchers, and software developers, reinforcing its capabilities in language design and execution.

Current State and Relations to Other Languages

Today, Racket features a rich set of libraries and tools, including a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) called DrRacket. Its design encourages the creation of new languages; hence, its user base extends beyond traditional programming use cases to language experimentation and development. Racket has been influential in the broader programming language community, affecting languages such as Julia and influencing developments in educational programming environments.

Syntax Features

First-Class Functions

Racket supports first-class functions, allowing functions to be treated as first-class citizens. This means they can be passed as arguments, returned from other functions, and assigned to variables.

(define (apply-twice f x)
  (f (f x)))

(apply-twice add1 5) ; Returns 7


Racket's powerful macro system allows for syntactic extensions, enabling developers to create special forms that don't exist in the base language.

(define-syntax-rule (when condition body)
  (if condition
      (begin body)))
(when (> 3 2)
  (display "3 is greater than 2")) ; Outputs: 3 is greater than 2

Pattern Matching

Racket supports pattern matching via match, allowing for clean and readable code when destructuring data.

(define (describe lst)
  (match lst
    [(list 0) "Zero"]
    [(list n) (string-append "One: " (number->string n))]
    [_ "Other"]))

Variadic Functions

Racket allows functions to accept a variable number of arguments using the ellipsis syntax.

(define (sum . numbers)
  (apply + numbers))

(sum 1 2 3 4) ; Returns 10

Optional and Keyword Arguments

Functions in Racket can have optional and keyword arguments, providing flexibility in defining function signatures.

(define (greet #:name [name "World"])
  (string-append "Hello, " name "!"))

(greet) ; Returns "Hello, World!"
(greet #:name "Alice") ; Returns "Hello, Alice!"

Object-Oriented Programming

Racket supports object-oriented programming through its class system, enabling the creation of classes and methods.

(define my-class
  (class object%
    (define/public (greet) "Hello!")))

(define obj (new my-class))
(send obj greet) ; Returns "Hello!"


Racket provides first-class continuations, allowing developers to manipulate control flow in advanced ways.

(define (call-with-current-continuation f)
  (call/cc f))

  (lambda (k) (k 10))) ; Returns 10


Racket has built-in contract support, helping developers specify expected behavior of functions and structures.

(define/contract (safe-div x y)
  (-> number? (and/c number? (not/c (= y 0))) number?)
  (/ x y))


Racket uses a module system to facilitate code organization and reusability.

(module my-module racket
  (define (hello) "Hello from my-module!"))

Typed Racket

Typed Racket is a variant of Racket that adds static types, enabling type-checking during development.

#lang typed/racket

(: add (-> Integer Integer Integer))
(define (add a b) (+ a b))

(add 2 3) ; Returns 5

Developer's Tools and Runtimes

IDE and Environment

DrRacket serves as the primary IDE for Racket, providing an integrated environment for writing and running Racket programs. It includes features like syntax highlighting, debugging tools, and a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) for interactive programming.

Compilers and Runtimes

Racket features a built-in compiler that compiles Racket code to bytecode or native machine code for efficient execution. Its runtime system manages memory, garbage collection, and other low-level system tasks.

Building Projects

Building Racket projects typically involves organizing code into modules and using the Racket package system for managing external libraries. Projects can be created using raco, Racket's command-line tool, to compile and run Racket files.

raco make my-project.rkt
raco run my-project.rkt


Racket is used in various domains, including:

Comparison to Relevant Languages

Racket shares similarities with various programming languages, emphasizing its functional programming roots:

Source-to-Source Translation Tips

There are tools like Racket's racket2cpp that allow source-to-source translation from Racket to C++ or similar languages. Additionally, some research projects have focused on translating Racket to JavaScript or Python, enabling easier integration with web applications or existing systems.

Existing source-to-source translation tools may include:

Racket's flexibility and strong metaprogramming capabilities make it an excellent candidate for building languages and exploring new programming paradigms. Its rich history and community-driven development ensure that it remains a valuable tool for educators, researchers, and software developers alike.