Programming Language Vala


Vala is a programming language that aims to provide a modern programming experience while ensuring compatibility with the C programming language, particularly within the GObject Type System. It was designed to be simple and efficient, primarily targeting the development of applications for the GNOME desktop environment. With a syntax that resembles languages like C# or Java, Vala supports features such as object-oriented programming, type inference, and lambda expressions, while compiling to C code for native performance.

Historical Aspects

Creation and Early Development

Vala was created by Jürg Billeter and first appeared in 2006 as part of the GNOME project. The development was largely motivated by the difficulty and complexity of using C directly for GObject development. Jürg aimed to provide a higher-level language that retained the power of C while simplifying syntax and increasing productivity.

Relations to Other Languages and Platforms

Vala was inspired by languages such as C# and Java, particularly in its syntax and features like garbage collection and type safety. It integrates closely with the GNOME libraries and GObject, a core part of the GNOME ecosystem, which makes it suitable for building applications within that environment. Vala offers a bridge between high-level abstraction and low-level performance, making it distinct among similar languages.

Current State

As of now, Vala has matured significantly and has a dedicated community. It is actively maintained, with regular updates and support for the latest GNOME technologies. Vala is increasingly used in the development of desktop applications, particularly those intended for Linux environments, and continues to gain adoption due to its ease of use and efficiency.

Syntax Features

Object-Oriented Programming

Vala supports object-oriented programming (OOP) through classes, inheritance, and interfaces. Classes can be defined using the class keyword.

class MyClass {
    public int my_value;

    public MyClass(int value) {
        my_value = value;

Type Inference

Vala allows for type inference, which means the developer doesn't always need to explicitly specify the type of a variable.

var greeting = "Hello, World!"; // String type inferred

Lambda Expressions

Vala supports lambda expressions, which enable the creation of anonymous functions.

void main() {
    var add = (int a, int b) => a + b;
    print("%d\n", add(3, 4));


Vala allows the definition of properties, providing getter and setter methods automatically.

class Point {
    public int x { get; set; }
    public int y { get; set; }

Signals and Events

Vala supports signals, a feature from the GObject system that enables event-driven programming.

signal my_signal(string message);

Error Handling

Vala has built-in error handling features, making it easier to manage exceptions.

void risky_function() throws Error {
    // code that might throw an error

Static Typing

Vala enforces static typing, which helps catch errors at compile time.

int my_number = 42; // Must be an integer.

Collections and Generics

Vala supports collections and generic types for creating flexible data structures.

List<string> my_list = new List<string>();

C Interoperability

Vala can directly invoke C libraries and functions, allowing seamless interaction with existing C codebases.

public C.function(param1);


Vala allows the use of annotations for metadata, which is useful for interfacing with other systems.

class AnnotatedClass { }

Developer Tools and Runtimes

Compiler and Build System

Vala code is compiled using the vala compiler, which translates Vala code into C. It then uses a standard C compiler (like GCC) to compile the resulting C code into an executable. The build system can be integrated with Meson, which is commonly used in the GNOME ecosystem.


There are a few Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that support Vala development:

Building a Project

To build a Vala project, create a file with a .vala extension, then use the command line:

vala --pkg gtk+-3.0 my_program.vala -o my_program

This example compiles my_program.vala, linking it against the GTK+ library.

Applications of Vala

Vala is primarily used for building desktop applications within the GNOME ecosystem. It's common in projects that require GObject-oriented development. Applications such as text editors, media players, and system utilities have been developed in Vala. Notable projects include:

Comparison to Relevant Languages

When compared to similar languages, Vala stands out due to its integration with the GObject system and focus on GNOME applications.

Source-to-Source Translation Tips

One of the existing tools for translating Vala code is the Vala to C compiler itself, as it effectively translates Vala source code to C. If you're looking for more generalized tools, there are no widely adopted source-to-source translation tools specifically for Vala, but tools like GObject Introspection can be utilized for creating bindings with other languages.