Linguagem de programação Crystal

Crystal Language


Crystal is a statically typed programming language that is designed for performance and productivity. It has a syntax inspired by Ruby but with the speed of a compiled language. Crystal provides a high level of type safety and concurrency support while also allowing for easy integration with existing C code.


Crystal's syntax is similar to Ruby, making it easy to read and write. It uses a combination of keywords, symbols, and blocks to define functions, classes, and control flow structures. Crystal supports object-oriented programming with classes and inheritance, as well as functional programming features like first-class functions and closures.

Here is an example of a simple "Hello, World!" program in Crystal:

puts "Hello, World!"

Developer Toolchain

Crystal comes with a built-in compiler that translates Crystal code into efficient native code. The Crystal compiler also performs type inference and optimization to generate fast executables. Crystal code can be organized into projects using the crystal init command to create a new project structure.

Crystal also has a package manager called shards that allows developers to easily manage dependencies and libraries. Shards simplifies the process of adding external libraries to a Crystal project and handles versioning and updates automatically.

In addition, Crystal has a standard library that provides a wide range of modules and classes for common tasks like file I/O, networking, and data manipulation. Developers can also take advantage of the Crystal Language Server for IDE support, which offers features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and error checking.