Bahasa Pemrograman Lua


Lua is a lightweight, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language designed primarily for embedded systems and scripting. It is fast, efficient, and easy to embed into applications written in other languages. Lua has a simple and clean syntax, making it popular for game development, scripting, and extending software applications.


Lua uses a simple syntax inspired by other languages like Pascal and Modula. It is dynamically typed and uses garbage collection for memory management. Some key syntax features of Lua include:

-- Example of a simple Lua function
function greet(name)
    print("Hello, " .. name)


Developer Toolchain

Lua programs can be run using the standalone Lua interpreter or embedded into larger applications using the Lua C API. Some popular tools for Lua development include:

Lua is a versatile language with a strong community and ecosystem that continues to grow in popularity for various applications.